Attitude to difficulties

Attitude to difficulties

Attitude to difficulties

If you experience a difficult time, it means you need to learn something. Difficulties always give you a lot, even more, many times more, than good times give. But provided that a person does not succumb to fear and weakness, that he will learn to stand tall during this period.

Do you know how children sometimes behave? As he sees his own shadow, a child is very frightened, thinking that this is a ghost, and tries to escape from him, but this “ghost” always catches up. Although, in reality it is just a shadow that follows him.

So does karma follow a person. Difficulties in life is just a result of your actions, past thoughts, words, and deeds. Where do you want to escape from them? You have to realize that it is your shadow and you need to try to overcome these difficulties.

Sometimes a person worries because of small things and takes them as hard as if a huge mountain fell over him. While the other may have serious problems, but he struggles against them and in the end wins. That's exactly what you need to do in your life: to struggle and win.

A difficult period has one more important advantage. It is a serious test for you, your qualities, your spiritual level, and also for those who are with you, so never be afraid of difficulties. On the contrary, during this time you'd better pluck up your courage and struggle, bearing in mind that hard times come not only for verification, but also to give you a lot.

What is being checked during such a time?

First: dherya (patience) — your patience and how well you have learned this quality is being checked. Someone surrenders already in a few days, and someone continues to struggle for many years. The one who fights and stands tall is the one who in the end will be victorious, he will surely have a good, bright period of time. And what good can expect someone who immediately despairs and desponds?

Second: verification of dharma - the path chosen by a person, the spiritual principles of his life, his internal qualities.

Difficulties come into our lives only in order to awaken the inner power that is asleep within us. If you make efforts and persistently overcome these difficulties, you will be successful. If having the slightest difficulty you throw up your hands or lose control of yourself, it will be very difficult to get out of the situation that has arisen.

It's hardly imaginable how much energy a person loses during his negative states: fear, anger, jealousy, etc., even during a small irritation. If you could have a look at the situation with the help of spiritual knowledge, you would see how much a person is deprived. After such outbreaks, a person internally weakens. Therefore, in difficult situations try to be master of yourself.

The third point is checking your friends. It is checked who is your true friend. When everything in your life is going well, many friends, or rather those who seem to be friends, can appear in it. Only those who will be with you, when you have hard times, and will not betray your friendship under any circumstances, are your true friends.

The fourth point of verification: a woman's commitment to a man, and a man's commitment to a woman is tested. If a woman, your wife, really loves you, she will be with you at any period of your life. But if she leaves during the difficult period, depriving you of her support, it means her love was insincere. Even the most uplifting feelings undergo a real test during difficult life situations.

Way to dawn

However hard and difficult it may seem to you, try to keep the spiritual state of mind. Don't give up your spiritual practice, on the contrary, pay even more attention to it. It will give you energy and strength to deal with your difficulties.

During a hard period, we must try to cleanse, empty out this negative karma and get rid of it. Bearing your spiritual qualities, continuing the inner work on yourself, you will start to understand a lot of things that you would have never understood having a joyful time.

When does a person turn to God, begin to pray, go to church? In most cases, he does so when some problems arise. It is a rare case that a person prays only to express his love to God. Much more often it is a problem that bring us closer to God, give us the opportunity to feel Him.

How can you determine a level of a person's spiritual development? Through tests and ordeals. If during hard times a person patiently tries to cope with the situation, still proceeding with his spiritual development, then, certainly, the door will open and the Light will be seen.

Just as the darkest night precedes the sunrise, the dawn, so it is in our lives, and after difficulties comes the bright time.