Physical, Material And Spiritual Power
Shri Gurudev Shri Prakash Ji satsang. 28.12.2013

Physical, Material And Spiritual Power.

Physical, Material And Spiritual Power

Why Do Some People Act And Obtain a Good Result, While Others Always Fail at Something?

Most people want to do something, reflect on it a lot, accumulate their power, but never fulfil what they have planned. Plenty of excuses arise: something does not add up, something is lacking, there is no support or someone is disturbing. And so goes a year, two, three… And the entire life can pass by like that.

Others begin to act, but give up at some point. This always has many objective and subjective reasons and justifications.

But there are very few of those, who think, plan, act and complete the plan to the end. Why doesn’t everyone succeed in this?

Power is needed to execute and complete anything. If a person has it, he can act successfully, if not, then something would always “not turn out well”

What Kind of Power Is Necessary?

Physical power, health and capacity to work are necessary for any matter or any job. If a person is physically weak, then he will not be able to do much. But only physical power is insufficient, besides, it can decrease for various reasons: e.g. due to health or with age.

The second kind of power is material. If a person wants to do something significant, money and other material resources are necessary. But even this power does not resolve everything; it can also be gone at some point.

And there is the third, greatest power. This is the inner power. They call it the power of spirit or spiritual power.

When a person has physical power, it is evident. Material capabilities can also be seen. Spiritual power is not as evident as physical or material powers. Not everyone can understand that the person has it. But the one, who possesses it, can do a lot at any moment and at any age. And this can be astonishing and unexpected for the others around.

Two people can possess identical physical and material force, but the one possessing spiritual power will achieve success.

Spiritually strong person will not be disturbed by physical weakness, age or material deficiencies. He will be able to overcome all this, to find a way out and beautifully, correctly complete whatever has been planned.

What Predetermines Power And Weakness?

For physical power it is necessary to maintain good health, nutrition, exercise and to do everything that is needed for the physical body.

To increase the material power, one needs to work, do everything reasonably and make correct decisions in time.

For the spiritual power, continuous inner work is necessary. With every action, word or thought, a person decreases or increases his spiritual strength.

Spiritual power can increase and decrease. Lowering of spiritual power has a limit: if it falls below a specific level, then it will be very difficult to raise it again.

When Does Spiritual Power Increase?

1. When a person carries out his dharma well (dharma is the life's moral which a person has determined for himself). There can be difficulties on this path, but if we follow it firmly, then spiritual power will grow.

2. When mind (man) is nishthchal - pure, words (vachan) will be good, pure, actions (karma) will be righteous. And the power will be even greater, when everything: thoughts, words and actions will not differ from each other.

3. When carrying out the spiritual practice a disciple follows the Teacher's guidance. Someone is more successful at jap (chanting mantra), someone at seva (service). Teacher advises what is best for whom. If any matter, any work is fulfilled well, spiritual power will appear.

4. When a spiritually progressing person is concentrated on himself and is always honest to himself.

Some people look for the cause of everything that happens to them within themselves, others - in those around them. Who will progress spiritually more, who will have more spiritual power? The one, who is concentrated on himself, searches for reasons in himself and works on himself.

It is always necessary to monitor yourself: “Where do I go? What do I say? What is my man [mind] doing at the moment, what do I think? What do I do incorrectly now?”

When a person is honest to himself, to his atma (soul), then the light of God inside him will be even brighter. Then that inner power, which is called spirit, will grow and will help even more.

If a person has something, but he does not depend on it, can use it correctly, then he preserves the spiritual power. Any material things are only tools.

You never need to take pride in your power. Ahankar (pride, ego) always leads to mistakes and reduces spiritual power.

Spiritual power is the most important. One person, very strong spiritually, can change the entire world. In any circumstances, first of all it is necessary to concentrate on your spiritual power, and then you can succeed in fulfilling your work and perform it very beautifully.

Try to be purer, more spiritual every day, because each day passes without returning and the following year will also pass. Value every day, work on yourself. What you could not achieve this year, try again the next year. And in the New Year do not only think and talk - act! Only act with love, bhakti, not with ego, ahankar.