V. Rashkin: Dvorkin's sectarian actions inciting hatred must be urgently stopped.

V. Rashkin: Dvorkin's sectarian actions inciting hatred must be urgently stopped

The round table on the problems of the Indian diaspora in Russia was organized by the Committee for Ethnic minorities in the State Duma. It was called "The newest challenges based on religion and ethnics".

The head of ANCO "Center for Promoting the Preservation and Development of Indian Culture", guru Prakash Kumar complained about insulting remarks on one of the Russian forums belonging to "sects fighter" Alexander Dvorkin. In the comments to it, some citizens were offending Hinduism, as well as the Hindus themselves. Kumar believes that the fault lies upon Dvorkin himself, who is the initiator of this persecution. We also want you to note, that in November of the past year the apartment of the Hindus' leader was searched, and law enforcement officers did not find anything suspicios during it. And after the incident, Kumar was forced to turn to Vladimir Putin with a request to stop these attacks from the "sectologist" and his followers.

The State Duma deputy from the Communist Party, Valery Rashkin believes that Dvorkin deliberately stirs up the conflict: "The relations between Russia and India have been the most benevolent since the Soviet times. We need this friendship and peace. We will do everything possible to ensure the end of this conflict and to prevent it from becoming a tendency. We will stop the war we do not need. " And as a way to settle this conflict, he considers it necessary to begin with an examination of the Center for Indian Culture, which would confirm the legitimate nature of its activities, and would condemn all the provocateurs, on the contrary: "If it is Mr. Dvorkin's personal attitude, he incites hatred, and it's very bad. But if it's not Dvorkin involved, but someone else, then it's even worse", the Communist said.

It should be noted that already in March, Rashkin appealed to the FSB, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Justice with a demand to check the activities of US citizen Dvorkin for extremism. According to the deputy, Dvorkin's public statements provoked interethnic and interreligious conflict with the participation of Hindus.
