Plus and minus - good and bad
Shri Prakash Ji Satsang. 05.16.2015

Plus and minus - good and bad

Plus and minus - good and bad. Shri Prakash Ji Satsang

In everything that exists in the Universe, there is a plus and there is a minus, good and bad, negative and positive. How should it be treated? All the good, positive needs to be accepted, while the bad should be left aside, without using it. Like a swan, that out of water and milk mixture can drink only milk and leave pure water.

A man is also a part of the Universe, there is also good and bad in him. The ratio of good and bad qualities is different: half good, half bad; more good, less negative; lots of good and slightly bad, etc. But in every person there still is something good and something bad.

What is the danger of negative qualities? When a negative quality arises, anger, for example, it surpasses all the good that a person has. And then a person makes mistakes that affect his whole life.

Five internal enemies

The Vedas name the five main internal enemies of a man:

Kama - strong desires;
Krodha - anger;
Lobh - greed;
Moha - affection, dependence;
Matsarya - envy, jealousy.

When there is at least one of them, many other negative qualities come next. And they immediately begin to "multiply": they get many more "children" and "grandchildren." That's why, as soon as something negative comes up inside, it needs to be quickly removed, before it starts to grow.

Kama and krodha

Kama is any strong desire, either good or bad. No one in this world can have all his or her desires fulfilled. Some wishes will be granted, but some will noy. Usually a person attaches himself so strongly to his desires, that if he does not get what he wants, then krodha (anger) arises. Anger closes the mind of a person, and he ceases to distinguish what is good and what is bad, at such times he can not even control himself. In anger a person can make many mistakes.


If what a person wants is obtained by someone else, then matsarya (envy, jealousy) arises in his mind. This quality is sometimes so possessing, that a person literally changes beyond recognition. And others ask themselves amazed: is this person the one we know or someone else?


Lobh (greed) is when all the time a person needs something. Such a person is also very dangerous, for himself in the first place. The Vedas say: the root of all sins is lobh. Grasped by greed, a person can commit any sin.


Moha is affection. It seems to be close to love, but it's not true love, it's attachment. When a person loves with affection, he certainly wants to receive something in return, and when he does not get what he wants, he gets frustrated. This quality also brings a lot of negative with it.

When a person is captured by these states - krodha, moha, matsarya, kama and lobha, the good karma he has already accumulated simply burns out.

Immunity against negative qualities

Any person has both positive and negative energies within. Determining are those that prevail. Laziness, anger, irritation, jealousy - everyone has something negative about him, but when positive qualities work well, negative ones are not visible, they do not manifest. It is important that the negative part does not increase more than 50%. If there are more negative qualities than good ones, it will be difficult to struggle with them.

Negative qualities work like "antennae". For example, if one person shows anger towards another, and this anger is not controlled, then anger will arise in the other as well: "Oh, he did/said this to me, oh, I will show him...". If the one, with whom a person communicates or is friends with, has common negative qualities, such communication will only promote the growth of these qualities.

Any person has negative qualities, just as in any healthy human body there are diseases in an unmanifested state, that do not develop, hide for some time to come. Will the disease develop or not, depends to a great extent on the person himself.

Negative spreads like a virus: one gets it, the other "becomes infected", it goes from the second to the third, the fourth, etc. Those, whose immunity is strong, will not get ill. Immunity to negative qualities is inner strength, confidence, faith, bhakti. If there is no such power inside, the environment, people with whom a person communicates, what he sees and what he hears, will have a determing influence.

How to defeat yourself from negative qualities? How to develop positive ones?

The qualities a person develops, are the ones that get even stronger. Everything that a person repeats day by day (his thoughts, words, and actions) then becomes a part of his personality. Therefore, no negative should be allowed to arise and grow.

In any person positive and negative qualities always are present side by side. As soon as self-improvement stops, immediately come the wrong thoughts. Few people are in such a state of mind that they have absolutely no thought. Therefore, if the mind is not occupied with good thoughts, the bad ones will immediately begin to appear.

It is necessary to plan your day in such a way that there is no place for negative thoughts. It's good to start your day with a meditation, chanting, or a prayer - it gives you a lot of energy. In the evening, before going to sleep, also take a little time to concentrate, to allow yourself pure reflection. The state of bhakti, when a person loves God, thinks about Him, repeats His name, gives pure spiritual energy, protects from all the negative.

The environment of a person can affect him greatly, pull him up or down. It is much better to communicate with those, who have more light inside themselves and strong faith, who will help you to follow the spiritual path.

For good, positive energies to get stronger, it is useful to listen to satsangs (sat - truth, sang - friendship, communication). During a satsang, a person receives spiritual knowledge, which, if used, will help him in his life.

If you develop positive in your thoughts, words, and actions, then with the help of your good karma any negative can be defeated. Starting any work, keep a positive attitude, this will give you good results.

Instead of attachment, try to cultivate bhakti - pure unconditional love, love to God.

If you are in a state of lobh (greed), then you need to learn to give. Then lobh will lessen. A man always wants something from the Universe. You need to learn to give, too. In ancient times Sanatana Dharma had a following tradition: in the morning, after a shower and a prayer, before starting their daily business, all people, whether rich or very poor, gave something to others. At least two spoons of rice or a piece of bread.

God has many children, once He gives something to one, once to another. Make yourself worthy of what you want to have, strengthen your faith, improve yourself internally. Then you will be given what is good for you, what you will use well and correctly.

Anger can be defeated through tranquility. In a state of anger, try to avoid making any serious decisions, and it is better not to say anything. It's good to just sit and meditate for a while.

There is no need to discuss other people, even in your thoughts. All people are children of God. All of us have some minuses. Thinking about someone's disadvantages, a person thereby cleanses the other, soiling in the other's dust and dirt. It is better to think about God. And to pray, that God would give the other person good thoughts, because he is also His child.

The best prayer

When a person complains, wails, that he does not have something he wants, you need to understand, that it is a consequence of his negative karmas. Everyone has two arms and two legs. Some live well, while others say: "I keep praying all the time, I think about God, but I have such a difficult life. And there are so many people, who do not pray at all, but live much better than I do. "

But a prayer is not only when a person speaks directly to God, repeats the words of a prayer or a mantra. All the good karma of a person: all of his good thoughts, words, and deeds, what he does or has done, is also a great prayer. And it gives its result.

In difficult situations, people seek protection everywhere, they seek how to protect themselves from troubles and problems. Faith and love to God will always give you protection. But good karma, all the good, that a person creates, will help him, will create a good aura around him. And then no negative energies can get through it, can harm and affect this person.